Fat Sim in Sims 4
My Sims are fat. How can Sims lose weight?

How to Get Your Sims to Lose Weight & Raise Fitness
Free base game options, in-game purchase items, pack fitness items, tips, and more to raise Sim fitness &/or to lose weight…
Free Options (BaseGame)
- Tell your Sim to jog.
- Have your Sim go to the gym and workout. There’s a gym in Willow Creek and one in Oasis Springs. Otherwise you could download one from the gallery or build one.
- If your Sim is energized you can click on the floor and direct them to do exercises. You can pause and queue up several.
- You can take the Sim into CAS in ‘Full Edit Mode‘ and ‘push in’/re-shape areas of their body that have gotten fluffy.
- While you have your Sim in CAS in ‘Full Edit Mode‘, or when you are creating or aging up your Sim, you can give them the Active Trait. They should autonomously work out and be energized more.
- Get the High Metabolism Trait for your Sim:
‣ For regular gameplay you choose any athletic aspiration when you either create a sim, or when they age up to teen or young adult. The athletic aspiration category gives the high metabolism bonus trait. Same as the other aspiration categories give their own bonus trait. (Tip courtesy of MapleSimmer
‣ If I’m going to ‘cheat in the trait‘, I use the cas.fulleditmode option. Swap the sim to the new aspiration category you want the trait for. Turn the cas.fulleditmode cheat on. Take them into CAS. Use the check mark in CAS vs the X option and when you go out they should have a bonus aspiration trait.
If you don’t want an additional bonus aspiration trait and just want to switch to a new bonus aspiration trait, then make sure they are on their original aspiration category when you go into CAS with the cas.fulleditmode cheat and then switch to the new aspiration category (actual aspiration within the category doesn’t matter) and accept the change. When you exit CAS they’ll have the new aspiration bonus trait and the old aspiration bonus trait will be removed. (Tip courtesy of MapleSimmer)‣ Or… you can just cheat the High Metabolism Trait onto your Sim as follows:
1. Make sure the Sim you want to add the trait to is the selected/active Sim.
2. Open the cheat box. (Press Shift+Control+C to open the cheat console box.)
3. Type in the following exactly, including the space:
traits.equip_trait Trait_High_Metabolism
4. Press enter. The trait should now appear in this Sim’s Simology panel.
Aspiration Points Reward Store Option
- There’s a drink called “Insta-Lean” in the Aspiration Points Reward Store.
Options That Require Purchased Items In-Game (BaseGame)
- Build a pool and have your Sims swim.
- Purchase fitness equipment and tell them to use it. Fortunately, once you direct a Sim to use fitness equipment enough they will begin to do so autonomously sometimes. (Unless they are lazy or have some similar trait.)
- A child or teen Sim can use the Monkey Bars.
- Your adult Sim can purchase and ride a bike… IF you have a bonus Grim bike from that event. Otherwise, base game does not include bikes.
Options That Require Purchased Packs
- The Fitness Stuff Pack allows you to click on the TV and choose to have your Sim exercise, and you can do rock climbing.
- The Spa Day Game Pack allows your Sim to do yoga.
- The Cool Kitchen Stuff Pack includes the ice cream maker. With it you can make “Taste of Diet” ice cream. After your Sim eats 2-3 servings of this ice cream they will lose weight. (Tip courtesy of PugLove888)
- The Get to Work Expansion Pack allows your scientist Sim to create the “Slimify Serum”. (Tip courtesy of CGrant56)
- If you own Seasons Expansion Pack you can go skating for exercise.
- The Snowy Escape Expansion Pack adds the skiing activity option.
- Your adult Sim can purchase and ride a bike with the Discover University Expansion Pack.
- With the Growing Together Expansion Pack, both adult and child Sims can purchase and ride a bike.
- My favorite way to keep my Sims fit is to add side-by-side treadmills, then have them workout. This causes them to multi-task and raise their social skill plus fitness at the same time because they chat while running.
- Better yet, I often add a TV in view and have them watch the Cooking Channel (or another learning channel) at the same time. Then both Sims raise their fitness, social, fun, and cooking all at the same time. Yay!
- I get my Sims the ‘Gym Rat’ reward trait asap so they don’t lose hygiene as fast when working out.
- The more energized your Sim is the faster the fitness skill will raise.
- Note that choosing to ‘work out’ via weight lifting options will tend to bulk up the Sim with muscle. If you’re looking to slim down your Sim, you may want to choose different options.