Glossary of Sims Terms
New to Sims? This Glossary of Sims Terms may help you sort it out.

The Sims 4 | Say WHAT???
Sims 4 | The Lingo
Terms you may hear used in regards to The Sims 4:
- Mod = Modification to the game function that is not from the manufacturer (ie: to add or modify sim behaviors or functions in the game)
- CC = Custom Content is created to modify the physical appearance of game items (ie: to add new wallpapers, clothing items, furniture, etc.)
- 50/50 Method = A method of searching for a broken Mod/CC that is useful if you have an lot of Mods/CC. Click here for directions.
- Vanilla Game = A vanilla game is a game without Mods or Custom Content added
- New Game Save = Going to the Main Menu in the game and creating a New Game and saving it
- Maxis Faves (aka Maxis Curation, Maxis Favs) = Households, rooms, and lots that have been selected by the Maxis/EA SimGurus as favorites. These choices are then announced to the Sims Community.
Guide on the Maxis Faves selection process & policies. - Plumbob = ( ♦ ) The diamond shape hovering over the head(s) of your active Sims household… the color will change per the mood of the Sim
- Legacy Sims | Legacy Challenges = Involving Sims or challenges played for generations
- MOO = Move Objects On cheat
- CAS = Create-a-Sim (Edit, add, or remove Sim from the household in Create-a-Sim)
- BB = Build & Buy Mode (Edit, purchase, and build on your lot)
- Lot = the plot of land you can purchase a home on or build on
- Lot Type = assign a use for lot and what requirements it has (ie: residential, library, gym, etc.)
- Lot Traits = The Lot Traits assigns special positive, negative, &/or useful moodlets or qualities to the lot. (ie: The trait ‘Good Schools’ leads to kids getting better grades and doing well on homework, etc.)
- GPU = Graphics Card
- Cache = Your game stores (caches) a copy of certain files to help it load faster. Files and folders that store this information are the game’s cache.
- Game Repair = Open Origin, click ‘Game Library’ then right-click Sims 4 > Repair Game
- NPC aka Townies = Non-Playable character, game-generated Sims that cannot be found in ‘Manage Households’ and don’t actually live in the Sims world. Example: The Grim Reaper.
- SimGuru aka Guru = An EA employee who interacts with the sims community publicly
- Simmer = A Sims player
- Simlish = the language the Sims use
- Base Game = The Sims 4 game, Standard Version
- The Sims 4 Standard Edition = “The Sims 4” game
- The Sims 4 Deluxe Edition = “The Sims 4” game, plus ‘The Sims 4’s digital soundtrack’ and additional content (a small number of clothing, costumes, furniture, & food items). Additional content is listed here:
- The Sims 4 Legacy Edition = The Sims 4 Legacy Edition of “The Sims 4” game provides long term support for computers that rely on older technologies – Legacy Edition FAQs
- EP = Expansion Pack
- GP = Game Pack
- SP = Stuff Pack
- MCCC = MC Command Center
- MTS = Mod the Sims
- World Menu View | Manage Worlds:
- World Map View:
- Main Menu:
- Pie Menu = the circular pop-up of options:
- Manage Households = click icon at top right of screen – these are the households that are currently in the game save you are playing. After you click this you will see “My Households” and “Other Households” (see note below):
- My Households / Other Households = click “Manage Households” icon (see above note) to view these tabs.
My Households tab = households you have played, opened/edited, or ‘favorited’.
Other Households tab = households you have not played, opened/edited, or ‘favorited’:
[NOTE: If you ‘unfavorite’ (heart) a ‘My Households’ household, it moves to ‘Other Households’, and visa-versa.] - Custom Content tag in the gallery:
The Custom Content tag in the gallery looks like a small blue ‘bookmark’ icon with a white wrench on it. It will be in the upper left corner of the gallery thumbnail. - Routing Issues = when a Sim’s path or interaction with something you’ve directed them to do is blocked. The Sim will wave their arms in the air and have a thought bubble with shoes, a dotted line, and a red “X” in it.
- Simoleons = the type of money the Sims use
- Stack = a “stack” is a group of the same item combined together in a Sim’s Household Inventory or Personal Inventory
- UI = User Interface
- Game Version #:
What is Simlish?
Simlish refers to the language the Sims use. It’s my understanding that it’s a combination of languages, and imagination. Just for fun, here are a few commonly used words and phrases:
- Sul Sul = Hello
- Dag Dag = Goodbye (or sometimes ‘Hello’)
- Soon Soon = Bye-bye (but see you soon)
- Nooboo = Baby
- Yibbs | Yibbsy = Yes
- Neib = No
- Chumcha = Food
- Plum = swear word
- Shooflee = distress
- Vadish = Thank you
- Ongie = Selfie
- Dis Wompf Es Fredesche! = ‘This food is delicious!‘
- Ravasheen! = ‘Lookin’ Good!‘
- Za Woka Genava = ‘You are HOT!‘
- Fleny Fleny! = ‘Out, out, OUT…I really need to pee!‘
- Hoople Borpna = Happy Birthday
- #@! = Shout forbidden words