Ladders in Sims 4

Learn about ladders in The Sims 4: How they work, tips, & tricks

How to use those ladders we waited for so long!

Basegame options, Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack options, tips, and more!

How Ladders Work

Placing Ladders

Ladders Placed Against a Wall

  • Bottom of ladder:
    – There are three possible points of entry or exit at the bottom of the ladder. (See red arrows and squares/tiles.)
    – The ladder has a footprint of one tile (green square) plus any of the three points of entry or exit (green arrows). Only one point/tile of entry/exit is needed.
    enter/exit ladder-bottom against wall
  • Top of ladder:
    – There are two possible points of entry or exit at the top of the ladder. (See red arrows and squares/tiles.)
    – The ladder has a footprint of one tile (green square) plus any of the two points of entry or exit (green arrows). Only one point/tile of entry/exit is needed.
    enter/exit ladder-top against wall

Ladders Placed in the Middle of a Room

  • Bottom of ladder:
    – There are three possible points of entry or exit at the bottom of the ladder. (See red arrows and squares/tiles.)
    – The ladder has a footprint of one tile (green square) plus any of the three points of entry or exit (green arrows). Only one point/tile of entry/exit is needed.
    enter/exit ladder-bottom middle of room
  • Top of ladder:
    – There are three possible points of entry or exit at the top of the ladder. (See red arrows and squares/tiles.)
    – The ladder has a footprint of one tile (green square) plus any of the three points of entry or exit (green arrows). Only one point/tile of entry/exit is needed.
    enter/exit ladder-top middle of room


Ladder Options

Directing your Sim to climb or descend a ladder:
You have three choices either direction:

  • Climb Up
  • Climb Down
  • Slide Down
    Though I’m sorry to tell you you can’t actually slide down from the bottom. Darn.
    ladder options


Sims won’t carry trash or dirty dishes down/up ladders

“Using ladders will not allow Sims to ‘clean up’ or take out trash. The default action is to carry dirty dishes or trash piles.
Euphorial Queen


Basegame ways to deal with ladder+trash+dirty dishes:

  • Add a sink
    You can add a sink on each level to clean up dishes.– Tip from Euphorial Queen
  • Take out the trash
    Trash piles require you to direct your Sim to put it into their inventory or drag it to ground level to be taken out.  – Tip from Euphorial Queen

The “NanoCan Touchless Trash Can” I love, love, love the NanoCan!!
If you have a NanoCan on the floor/level that is accessed by a ladder…

  • You can direct your Sim to place the trash in the NanoCan.
    trash in can
  • You can direct your Sim to place the dirty dishes in the NanoCan.
    Note: Direct your Sim to clean the dirty dish twice. Then drag it onto the ground and it will become a pile of ashes. Once the dish is a pile of ashes you can direct the Sim to ‘Throw Away Trash’ and they will place it in the NanoCan.
    dish turned to ash pile when dragged to ground
  • Drag the dirty dishes or trash to the NanoCan yourself.
    drag to NanoCan


Additional Eco Lifestyle ways to deal with ladder+trash+dirty dishes:

Recycle those dishes or the trash!

If you have a Guntach Home Recycler on the floor/level that is accessed by a ladder…

  1. Drag the trash or dirty dishes into the Sim’s personal inventory.
  2. With your Sim active, click on the Guntach Home Recycler and choose to “Recycle From Inventory”.
  3. Choose the dirty dish &/or the trash.
  4. The Sim will then recycle the item in the Guntach Home Recycler.

choose the dirty dish &/or the trash from inventory to recycle Sim will recycle the dirty dish &/or the trash from inventory


  1. Direct your Sim to clean the dirty dish twice. Then drag it onto the ground and it will become a pile of ashes.
  2. Drag the ashes (or grab it and hit the ‘delete’ key) into the Sim’s personal inventory.
  3. With your Sim active, click on the Guntach Home Recycler and choose to “Recycle From Inventory”.
  4. Choose the ash pile.
  5. The Sim will then recycle the ashes in the Guntach Home Recycler.

choose the ash pile your Sim will recycle the item for you

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