Hidden Objects & Debug Objects

How to use the hidden objects cheat, find the new additional hidden objects, and find debug objects in Sims 4

Method #1
…the method I normally use

  1. With your lot open in build mode, press Shift+Control+C to open the cheat console box (upper left of your screen):
    Sims 4 -Open Cheat Console Box

  2. Enter the following in the cheat code box (in this order and press enter after each one)
    bb.showhiddenobjects (press enter):
    bb.showliveeditobjects (press enter):
  3. Click in the search box and type “debug” (no quotes) & press enter:
    Sims 4- Debug Objects Search

  4. This will bring up the regular and debug items:
    Sims 4-Debug Objects
  5. You can find additional hidden objects in build mode. Some examples:
    Hidden objects in “Decorations“…
    Hidden Objects
    Hidden objects in
    Hidden objects in “Lighting” (Ambient Ceiling Lights)
    Hidden objects in "Lighting" (Ambient Lighting)


Video Directions (YouTube link)

Method #2

  • This method populates all regular, hidden, and debug items in one long, combined list.
  • If you play on console, this is the method that should work for you. [Thanks for checking, PoptartJuniper!]
  1. With your lot open in build mode, press Shift+Control+C to open the cheat console box (upper left of your screen)
  2. Enter the following in the cheat code box (in this and press enter after each one):
    bb.showhiddenobjects (press enter)
    bb.showliveeditobjects (press enter)
  3. Click in the search box and press ‘enter’ (or just clicking the search icon)
    This will bring up the regular items, hidden objects, extra hidden objects, and debug items in one long, combined list. If you use this method most of the debug items will show near the end.


Video Directions by Bluebell Flora (YouTube link)

More Build Mode Cheats…