Split Household in Sims 4

Split one household into two households in Sims 4

Method #1

How to Split Households
Entering Manage Households through World Menu View or World Map View
Step-by-step directions

  1. In world/town view in your game-save, open “Manage Households”:
    Sims 4-save household to gallery
  2. Select the household that you want to split (from either the “My Households” tab or the “Other Households” tab). Click on the household to open the pop-up for it.
    Split & Merge Household in Sims 4
  3. In the household’s pop-up, select “Transfer Sims between Households” (‘two arrows’ icon):
    Split & Merge Household in Sims 4
  4. This will open The “Household Split and Merge” pop-up. Now select “Create a New Household”. Or select a different household from either the “My Households” tab or the “Other Households” tab:
    Split & Merge Household in Sims 4
  5. Next select one or more of the Sims in the left household to transfer to the right household (“New Household”) by clicking the arrow button between the households.
    ♦ Type any amount of funds you want to transfer to the new household in the “Amount to Transfer” box, then click the ‘Transfer Funds’ button (arrow):
    Please note that you cannot put or leave a pet, child, toddler or baby in a household alone.
    Split & Merge Household in Sims 4
    Split & Merge Household in Sims 4
  6. After you move the funds and Sim(s), please click the button with the green checkmark to save your households:
    Split & Merge Household in Sims 4
  7. Now you will see your new ‘split’ households in “My Households”:
    Split & Merge Household in Sims 4

Method #2

How to Split Households
Entering “Split from Household and Move” through the sim’s computer in Live Mode
Step-by-step directions

  1. In Live Mode have your sim select “Household” > “Split from Household and Move” in the pie menu on their computer:
    Sims 4-split household using computer
  2. This will open a “Split from Households and Move” popup:
    ♦ Select one or more of the Sims in the left household to transfer to the right household (“New Household”) by clicking the arrow button between the households.
    ♦ Type any amount of funds you want to transfer to the new household in the “Amount to Transfer” box, then click the ‘Transfer Funds’ button (arrow):
    ♦ Please note that you cannot put or leave a pet, child, toddler or baby in a household alone.
    ♦ Click button with the green checkmark.
    Split from Households and Move
  3. Next you will see a “Moving With” pop-up. You can either:
    ♦ Navigate between worlds and select a home/lot then click the blue truck to ‘confirm’ and move into that home/lot, OR…
    OR… click the button with the blue “X” if you do not want this sim to move into a home/lot…
    Moving With Popup
  4. If you click the button with the blue “X”:
    ♦ You will see a pop-up asking “Are you sure you want to continue? If you cancel now the chosen family will be moved directly into the My Households bin.”
    ♦ Click button with the green checkmark.
    Don't move into a new home/lot
  5. Now, in world/town view, open “Manage Households”…
    )pen “Manage Households”
  6. …And you will see your two new households in “My Households”:
    Two new households in "My Households"